Monday 11 September 2017
The creators of three innovative online platforms will join forces on 4 October 2017 in the Hunter region to showcase the online platforms supporting people with a disability and their carers to gain choice and control over all aspects of their lives.
As the NDIS rolls out, people with a disability are increasingly able to make choices they have previously not been empowered to make.
“The ‘Get Connected’ information sessions will highlight how technology can assist people with a disability to have choice and control over their care and support, social activities and gain meaningful employment,” said Careseekers Co-founder Marissa Sandler.
‘These platforms are game changers for people with a disability and their carers,” said MyCareSpace founder Nicole Gamerov. “Being online, they reduce some of the barriers to accessing support, employment, activities and resources that match your actual needs. For providers, if you want to be relevant in the marketplace of today, it’s important to be accessible and visible online.”
The Get Connected forum is an opportunity for attendees to learn how to use the websites and direct questions to the founders/CEO’s of Careseekers, MyCareSpace and Toozly.
Careseekers is an online platform that directly connects people looking for in-home care and support, with care and support workers.
MyCareSpace allows people with disabilities and their carers to easily access a national directory of over 5,000 local services, providers, short term accommodation (respite) and activities plus a resource library and shared personal stories.
Toozly is Australia’s largest job search website for people with disabilities. It connects people with disabilities with meaningful employment and helps organisations tap into a largely underutilised talent pool of job seekers with disabilities.
People with a disability, their carers and family and those working in disability organisations and providers are encouraged to attend the event. It is free to attend. Please RSVP by phoning 1300 765 465 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.