Jobseeker FAQs

  • Getting Started

    Start by clicking on Jobseeker Registration - it's free for Jobseekers.


    jobseeker registration


    Create your account by entering your name, email address and a secure password.

    Click "Register and Check out".

    After registering you will see a thank you confirmation similar to this one.

    thank you for registering

    Check your email Inbox and click on the link from Toozly to activate your account.

    Now you can login and search and apply for jobs on  Toozly.

  • I registered but didn't receive the account activation email

    Allow a few minutes for the email to arrive.

    Check your email Spam folder in case it was dropped in there.

    If you entered an invalid address, try the Jobseeker Registration again with a new email address.

    If you cannot find or did not receive the email after 30 minutes, please contact us for help.

  • Jobseeker Control Panel

    The control panel is where you manage your job searchs, alerts and applications.

    jobseeker controlpanel

    Search Jobs - enter your job criteria such as category, location to find jobs

    My Resume - upload one or more resumé documents to use for job applications

    My Cover Letters - enter one or more cover letters to use for your job applications

    Messages - messages received from employers related to applications are accessed here

    My Applied Jobs - manage your list of job applications

    My Job Alerts - setup and receive email notifications about jobs in your area

    My Profile - update your details such as name, password or email address

  • I've lost my account password

    Go to the Login form and click on "Forgot your password?"

    Enter your email address and a password reset link will be sent to you.

    If you cannot remember which email address that you used, please contact us for help.

  • How do I set up a Job Alert?


    You can set up as many job alerts as you like. 

    Firstly - Register as a Job Seeker and log into your Toozly account. 

    Click "My Job Alerts" on your dashboard. 

    my job alerts


    Click "Add a Job Alert"

    Screen Shot 2017 08 13 at 10.12.21 pm

    Enter the job alert details.

    Be sure to rename the Job Alert something meaningful such as "Hospitality Jobs in Melbourne". 

    Select the industry, sub category and location as well as the frequency with which you'd like to be informed of new jobs - Daily or Weekly. 


    Screen Shot 2017 08 13 at 10.13.57 pm

    Save the alert.

    You will see a green confirmation message that the job alert was saved. 

  • Do I have to disclose my disability ?

    No. Disclosure of a disability is a personal choice.  There may be some exceptions where a certain disability could be an Occupational Health & Safety issue, however for the most part, if you have the skills and ability to perform the duties of a job without workplace modification or assistance due to your disability, you are not obliged to disclose the disability.

    Having said that, Toozly is a job search website for people with disabilities.  Our employers are ready, willing and able to make any necessary and reasonable adjustments that you may require to be successful in your role. You should feel safe to disclose your disability if you choose to do so. You may also find that if you have disclosed your disability, a time may come when the disability requires attention - time off to rest, a change in medication, an adjustment to the work space or schedule - and having disclosed the disability earlier may make it easier to have that conversation with your employer. There are pros and cons either way and no right or wrong answer to this question. 

  • What sorts of disabilities do you cater to?

    Toozly is available to any person with a disability who has a right (visa / work permit) to work in Australia. 

    The term "disability" is broad, but generally refers to any physical, sensory, intellectual, psychological, neurological or biological condition which can cause barriers to participation in daily activities. 

  • Where can I get personalised, one on one assistance ?

    If you are an Australian permanent resident with a disability, you are eligible for free Disability Employment Services (DES) or Jobactive support regardless of whether or not you receive Centrelink benefits. These organisations can assist you with: 

    • Jobsearch support and marketing you to employers
    • Resume and cover letters
    • Training, both internal (jobsearch training etc) and external (TAFE, Uni, vocational courses etc)
    • Tools, clothing & other work related requirements
    • Personalised assistance tailored to your needs

    Department Employement services logojobactive logo

    To find your closest Department Employement services (DES) or Jobactive service provider, click the image below:

    Service providers

  • Is Toozly only for Australian citizens / residents ?

    No. Toozly is available to any person with a disability. However, you must have a right to work in Australia. 

  • Do I have to be receiving Centrelink benefits to use Toozly ?

    No. Toozly is available to any person with a disability. There is no requirement to be receiving any benefits nor is there any requirement to be connected with an Employment Service Provider. 

  • What happens after I find work through Toozly?

    Congratulations !  

    Toozly is a jobsearch website. We actively encourage organisations to think outside the square and hire more people with disabilities through Toozly. 

    Now that you've found work, if you are registered with an Employment Service, you should expect to receive support from that service provider for as long as you need it. 

    To find an Employment Service (or to change providers) visit

  • Contact Us


    Suite 1D, 79 Oxford Street
    Bondi Junction NSW 2022

    Phone: 0418447510 
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Ask a question

    Contact Us

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    Please write a subject for your message.


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